Community of Practice
Robert Lummack
Mr. Robert Lummack is a PhD candidate in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa and a SSHRC fellow. His thesis uses complexity theory to understand war across multiple levels with a focus on the war in eastern Ukraine. Mr. Lummack has worked in National Defence at the CWO Robert Osside Institute since 2009.
He has designed and teaches courses on systemic design, including ‘Military Application of Systems Theory’ and ‘Complexity of Operations and the WPS Agenda’. He has also designed curriculum and taught for capacity building projects in Jordan, Brazil, Macedonia, Philippines and Peru.
Previously, Mr. Lummack completed an internship at UNICEF HQ, was a researcher for the Presidential Human Rights Commission of Guatemala (COPREDEH) and has participated in electoral observation missions. His Masters is in Political Science – International Relations and Comparative Politics of Developing Regions (McMaster 2007).
Why Militaries Need to Understand the Women, Peace and Security Agenda
by Robert Lummack, Professional Military Education Department, CMRSJ For me, a crucial part of military…
The Blue Knight Review (Journal of the Royal Military College St Jean): Special Edition No. 2: Systems Thinking and Design
This Special Edition of The Blue Knight Review is an outgrowth project of the April…
Don’t forget about Boxer: Teaching Systems Thinking, Complexity and Design to NCMs
Author: Robert Lummack Abstract: Since 2009, Robert has worked with the team at the Osside…
Expecting Uncertainty: Approaching security environment complexity with humility and conceptual flexibility
Author: Robert Lummack Abstract: This article discusses the complexity of the Global Security Environment. It argues…
Breaking Down Silos and Connecting Stakeholders: A Symposium on Systems Thinking and Design
Philippe Beaulieu-B, Francis Clermont, Aaron Jackson, Robert Lummack, Paul Mitchell and Ben Zweibelson contributed to the symposium…
Teaching Systems Thinking and Design to Senior NCMs
Watch video from Robert Lummack, instructor at the Royal Military College in St-Jean sur Richelieu,…