Brew up your favourite cup of coffee or drink as we discuss design in our upcoming event: Coffee, Drinks, & Design! You’re invited to join us on our virtual event on Canada Day morning
RSVP here:
This first event will feature a design session geared towards developing future events that will help build the design network, develop design experimentation opportunities, and feature designers from outside the defense and security sector.
The aim of this initiative is to foster an environment conducive to a free exchange of ideas and potential innovation. IMDC Guild Council Member, Todd Landis, will facilitate this first event, featuring 5-minute “micro-talks” in which participants can share any current work or pose questions to a group of design and security experts.
Link: Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 3940 2582
Passcode: 701627
If you’re interested in participating in a micro-talk, please send any questions or work you’d like to share to Todd Landis at