Don’t forget about Boxer: Teaching Systems Thinking, Complexity and Design to NCMs
by : Robert LummackAuthor: Robert Lummack
Abstract: Since 2009, Robert has worked with the team at the Osside school at RM Saint-Jean, working on all courses. Prior to this, Robert completed an internship at UNICEF HQ, working with the Emergency Unit team which staffed experts for emergency situations. He also worked as a researcher for the Presidential Human Rights Commission of Guatemala, through the Canadian International Development Agency young professional program. With National Defence, Robert has participated as an instructor in military training and cooperation missions (DMTC) in Jordan, Brazil and Philippines.
Additionally, Robert has participated in electoral observation missions, such as Mission Canada 2012 and 2014 in Ukraine, for the Organization of American States (OAS) in Guatemala 2011 and for an NGO in El Salvador 2009.
Robert is interested in the interconnections between diverse subjects: development, conflict, the global economy, complex systems, cultural intelligence, ethics, the Women, Peace and Security agenda and post-conflict contexts. He has traveled to about 30 countries. His education (M.A. McMaster, 2007) is in Political Science – international relations and comparative politics of developing regions.
* Note: this paper is part of the Special Issue of Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, titled ‘Reflexive Military Practitioners: Design Thinking and Beyond’. The full issue can be accessed at: