1) Initiate Series
“Initiate” is a three-part series that seeks to generate interest in design and innovation applied to defence and security challenges, by offering a range of activities, keynotes, videos, and discussions for both newcomers to the field and potential researchers.
Initiate Part One was completed in October 2021, with live keynotes and a panel discussion facilitated in Bogota and broadcast around the world. You can access all recordings by acquiring a AOD Connect season pass here. Recordings are shared with ticket holders through a private YouTube Channel.
Speakers and topics are as follows:
- Dr. Ofra Gracier: Current challenges for Israeli defence forces from a military design perspective and Colombian Military thought from a Israeli perspective (a critical and disruptive perspective).
- Colonel (R) PhD James Greer: The challenge of implementing design doctrine into the US Army: Potential Insights for the National Army of Colombia.
- LCol Grant Martin: The tension between irregular and regular warfare from a design perspective.
- Dr. Michele Mastroeni: The tension between organic design and established design methods.
- Colonel Pedro Rojas Guevara: Moderator
- Dr. Marcos Peckel: Geopolitical triangle Israel, Colombia and the US
- Dr. Edgar Palaco Mizrahi: Mizrahi on Relations between Israel and Colombia in the geopolitical, geoeconomic and geostrategic context
- Dr. Ruben Usechetus: Civil and military relations, accelerating Colombian diplomacy
- Dr. Henry Cancelado Franco: The importance of military diplomacy in the projection of national power, the cases of Israel, the United States and Colombia
Initiate Part Two will draw upon current work being completed on the Handbook of Military Sciences, and will feature a series of short 3-7 minute videos from the chapter authors of the handbook.
Featured chapter authors and topics include:
- Chapter 1: Dr. Ben Zweibelson – Introduction to the International Military Design Community.
- Chapter 2: Dr. Ofra Graicer – Originals in Military Design: The Israeli concept of SOD.
- Chapter 4: Dr. Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard & Dr. Paul Mitchell – Discovery, Intuition and Judgement: The Evolution of Design at Canadian Forces College
- Chapter 7: Dr. Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard, Dr. Ben Zweibelson & Mr. Oliver Jones- Deeper into Design Theory and Meta-Methodological Strategic Applications.
Be sure to access all Initiate Part Two videos, as they are released throughout December and January by acquiring an AOD Connect season pass.
Initiate Part Three is a facilitated panel discussion with educators, covering a range of topics from the Military Handbook chapters, for an audience of current or prospective graduate students who want to explore design for defence and security purposes as a research domain.