
25 January 2018

IMDC 2018: Conference Information and Payment of Services for Attendees

by :

Innovation Methodologies for Defence Challenges

Saint Paul University, Ottawa

Jan 30-31, Feb 1, 2018

IMDC 2018 – Definitive Programme

IMDC 2018 Definitive Programme

Dear Presenters and Participants,

Thank you very much for registering for the Innovative Methodologies for Defence Challenges Conference (IMDC), Ottawa, Jan 30 – Feb 1, 2018. This allowed us to plan in advance for activities. My co-organizer Prof. Philippe Beaulieu-B. and I, along with all our colleagues, are looking forward to welcoming you at Saint Paul University next week.

1.All: Finance and Bills: Eventbrite link

We now need to finalize preparation regarding meals and other activities involving financial costs. We are proud to have strong partners such as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Canadian Forces College (CFC – Center for National Security Studies (CNSS), Mapping and Charting Establishment (MCE) – Canadian Forces Intelligence Command, International Center for the Study of the Profession of Arms (ICSPA),  Royal Military College Saint-Jean (RMC Saint-Jean), Center for Research on conflict (CRC), and the Center for International Policy Studies (CIPS).

However, as many of you already know, the IMDC is mainly organised by your devoted organizers and we remain responsible for its costs. For this reason we kindly ask for your collaboration in paying for the meals and activities you registered for as soon as possible and no later than January 26, 2018.

Please follow this Eventbrite link to do so []. Upon arrival you will be provided with a folder including your bills and a co-card that will give you access to all the meals/activities you paid for.

As a reminder, the SPU residence does not offer breakfast. For those staying at the residence, we ordered a number of breakfast accordingly to be purchased on the eventbrite. Catering offer around Saint-Paul University is minimal, hence we recommend that attendees purchase all meals.

We ask that those of you who are funded by our coalition still purchase the necessary tickets and bring those tickets with you to gain access to the necessary meals and services. We calculated daily costs in function of the allocated per diem. You will be refunded following the conference. We apologize for the inconvenience, but do not hold the logistical capacity to operationalize this in another manner.


2. For Late Registration Only

Registration is officially over. However, you may want to contact the organizers directly to inquire whether seats are still available or for special arrangements. &

In case of a positive response, you would still have to:

1. Fill the Registration form available since December 11, 2017 :
2. Buy an Attendance Ticket (25$) available since December 11, 2017:
3. Purchase Services ticket à la carte no later than Jan 26…. and before the conference in case of impossibility of doing so before (Food, Mess reception, cocktail, workshop selection, etc.): 
3.ALL: Dress Code and Video Recording

As we have a majority of military personnel both as presenters and participants we received many questions about the dress code. Of course, neither of us can issue direction to military members regarding dress. You’re more than welcome to wear your uniform. Suggested military dress is 3s for Canadian Military.  3 (CF) with Ribbons for keynote speakers, 3A (long sleeve tie), or 3C (sweather) for participants or non-key note presenters. The driving factor is that presentations will be filmed (provided the presenter consented), and attendance is both public and international. We believe that the US equivalent is Class A ASU (presenters), Class B (attendance and panels). This state of dress is also compliant with the policies of the Officers Mess (for Tuesday evening), as does business and business casual.

For more information on dress, please contact:

Mathieu Primeau
Major, CA,
DCO Mapping and Charting Establishment
4. ALL: Maps, Parking and Orientation

The first map attached indicates the location of the guest parking at Saint Paul University (north of Hazel Street). You can also use the parking on the side of Cafe qui pense (206 Main St.). Finally, many people just park on Clegg St. or any other residencial street around the university.




The second map “Ground Floor Guigues” indicates the location of the Amphitheatre in the Guigues Building (223 Main Street). This is where participants can gather for  the opening remarks (0730hrs). Presenters and registered early birds should first go to the Multiservice room in the Northwest wing for breakfast (0615-0715hrs).

Ground Floor



5. ALL: Public Evening Roundtable & Networking Dining Cocktail Wednesday Jan 31 from 5-8PM

Please note that on the night of Jan 31, 2018 at 1800hrs we will have a public roundtable. No RSVP needed and free of charge. Please circulate the poster (attached) in your network. A video conference will also be available; the link and other details will be posted on our website on the day of the roundtable.

As catering offer is minimal around SPU, we organized a Networking Dining Cocktail just before, from 5-6PM. You may book a ticket on the same eventbrite:  Eventbrite link 




6. ALL: Skate Rental

Please send your foot size (US scale) to William Simonds as soon as possible.


7. ALL: Weather

Despite what you may have heard in the news, we are pretty confident that the weather will get back to the average of -5 C (23 F) at the time of the conference. We recommend that you bring winter clothing, especially for outdoor activities.


8. ALL: Transportation from the airport

For those heading to the Conference Centre behind Saint Paul University; please use this address for Uber or Taxi to arrive directly at the door: 150 Hazel St, Ottawa, ON K1S 5T8


9. ALL: Parking

Saint-Paul University offers parking at a cost of 10$ a day (taxes included).


10. For Scheduled Presenters Only: Essential information

Presentation Style

We are building on the TedTalk style for all presentations (Keynotes and regular panels) taking place in the Amphitheatre. Presenters in the amphitheatre are encouraged to walk and talk with a remote microphone and clicker on an empty space (no podium, table or chairs).

Presenters in regular rooms can choose the traditional academic style (speaking while sitting behind a table) or a more dynamic style. See programme above for rooms.


A regular panel presentation must last 12-15 minutes. Chairs will ensure to monitor time.

Keynote presentations must last  20-25 minutes. Intoducers will monitor time.

Short and Sweet is better than hitting the limits.

Timing will be strickly monitored to ensure that everybody has enough time to present.

Presentation file

Please do upload your prezi, powerpoint (or any other kind of audio-visual support) in advance so that we can make sure it will be available on site. 

In case of technical problem, please do send a copy to William Simonds:

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio for those presenting in the Amphitheatre G-1124 is 16:9. The aspect ratio for everyone else is 4:3.

Video Recording

All presentations will be recorded for research and education purposes for those who gave consent in the online registration form and on site on a hard copy. We follow research ethics principles according to which presenters have the final say on the public release (in classes or online) and on the final cut, even if you consented before.

Introducers, Chairs and Masters

See guidelines in your e-mail box or by following this link:

IMDC 2018: Guidelines for Introducers, Chairs and Masters

Deliverable before the conference (reminder)

The only deliverable required before the conference is a rough blog post draft summarizing the main points of your presentation or workshop or masterclass. While some of you are involved in several activities, we require only one draft. The targeted length is 800 – 1500 words.

Please do forward your blog post draft no later than January 22nd, 2018 to William Simonds and us ( & in cc.

The immediate objective is to help panel chairs and discussants to prepare comments and discussion. The medium-term objective is to post your blogs on the Archipelago to engage people who could not attend (we encourage cross-posting) and to have written material for our report required by our funding agencies. The long-term objective is to have a shared pool of basic written materials to develop prototypes of collective deliverable projects. While we have been thinking about an edited volume and/or an integrated education platform (app, web, textbook) for a long time, you will be more than welcome to tap into this pool yourself to suggest projects you may want to lead.


In the meantime, we wish all of you a safe journey.

Kind regards,

Philippe Dufort | Lead Conference Organizer
Assistant professor, School of Conflict Studies | Saint Paul University

Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard | Lead Conference Organizer
Assistant professor, Department of Defence Studies | Canadian Forces College

Ben Zweibelson | Conference Ambassador
Design Program Director | Joint Special Operations University