
Innovation Methodologies for Defence Challenges: On Design Thinking and Organic Approaches
by : AOD NetworkBy: Col Zoltán Jobbágy
It is a commonplace to state that the operational environment is inherent- ly complex. In such a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, or in short VUCA, environment traditional approaches to plan, prepare and execute missions are no longer applicable. VUCA environment features challenges and problems that can be either tame or wicked. A tame problem is linear in nature and yield to engineering approaches. It is decomposable into parts and solvable through a chain of causal assumptions. The bulk of problems, however, posed by the VUCA environment is wicked and not amenable to linear solutions. These problems require design thinking that is a novel approach. Design thinking is a conceptual tool to deliver non-linear solutions by taking advantage of right-brain creative thinking and left-brain analytical thinking. If applied properly, design thinking can make the best of both worlds.
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