
Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard, Mathieu Primeau, Chris Paparone
23 March 2021

Project Mentor


Mentor: Mobile/Remote Design Assistance, Mentorship & Professional Development in CAF/DND, their allies and partners

Project Leader

Dr. Philippe Beaulieu-B.

Project Coordinator

Thomas Changarathil


Unlocking & developing the design & reflexive innovation capabilities of CAF/DND organisations, their allies and partners to ensure relevance in emerging security environments.


Removing the barriers to learning and experimenting with design & innovation methodologies to address current defence challenges by providing a tailored mentorship/assistance service to CAF/DND organisations, their allies and partners. This support ranges from connecting willing defence organisations to relevant Archipelago members, providing professional development activities, and up to coordinating design inquiries on specific challenges/opportunities.


  1. Initial contact and establish needs:
  2. Iterate a tailored activity with a point of contact (POC)
  3. Conduct the activity and collect feedback

Selected Current Beneficiaries

Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) J5: Professional Development Programme in Military Design Thinking 2020-2021
Canadian Special Operations Command (CANSOFCOM)’s Commander Advisory Group (CAG) – DSR X’s Joint Design inquiry: Redesigning CANSOF for a world driven by Great Power Competition? 2021
Royal Danish Defence College (RDDC)’s Joint Planning Framework 2019-2021
Canadian Forces College (CFC)’s Design and Innovation informed curriculums in the Joint Command and Staff Programme (JCSP) and the National Security Programme (NSP) 2013 onwards
Open Nektar Bar Concept
École de Guerre (EDG) Contribution to design informed curriculum and advices 2019 onwards