Facilitation: Expert & Public Consultation
AOD is proud to support the Government of Canada’s efforts in establishing the new NATO Climate Change and Security Centre of Excellence (CCASCOE), leveraging our expertise in expert facilitation and consultation to help inform the design and strategic vision, in keeping with Canada’s and other NATO countries’ security and defence goals.
Consulting & Facilitation
After over two decades focusing on countering violent extremist organizations, and coming from a legacy as a crisis response organization, CANSOFCOM must adapt in order to meet the demands of the new strategic competition environment. How must CANSOFCOM change, and what must it retain, for it to be relevant, successful, and valuable to the Government of Canada in 2030 and beyond?
Consulting & Facilitation
The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) People Strategy validation project uses design-based methods to prototype components of the CAF People Strategy with diverse audiences, to reinforce its people orientation and long-term relevance for the operational readiness and sustainability of Canada’s armed forces.