
28 August 2023

Tension Podcast Ep. 5 – Forecasting Vs. Foresight

by : and

Host Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard in conversation with guests Balkan Devlen and Donna Dupont, engaging the tensions between Forecasting vs. Foresight.

Tension is a podcast produced by the Archipelago of Design, hosted by Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard, engaging tensions in the theory and practice of design for security and defence purposes across NATO members and partners. Through engaging representatives of different positions in the AOD network, the aim is to unlock new possibilities in design as practice in the 21st century.

This podcast episode can be streamed from the link below and is also available through CastosSpotifyApple PodcastsAmazon MusicGoogle PodcastsTuneIn RadioDeezerAcastiHeartRadioLearn out LoudListen NotesPlayer FMPocket CastsPodcast AddictPodchaserRadioPublic and YouTube.

Network members get exclusive access to the full-length extended version of this episode.