We believe in reflexive leadership, emboldened by innovation methodologies to inspire people, transform organizations, and ultimately improve the human condition.
We are nurturing an avant-garde, inclusive, and independent community of practice committed to continuously pushing the boundaries of defence and security ecosystems with our NATO allies and partners, and we commit to the dutiful exploration of the complex relationship(s) between design-inspired conceptual innovation, organizational design, and change leadership.
Non-profit education; continuous learning and transformation; openness to dialogue and collaboration across a wide diversity of cultures and mindsets; the inter-cooperation of various military and civil organisations; the intersectionality between the academic world and the world of defence and security organisations; research excellence; and conflict resolution.
Reflexive leadership
We believe in reflexive leadership in security and defence organisations in the 21st century, that is, a leadership bringing to awareness that what to think and how to think are integral parts to the making and unmaking of contemporary conflicts. Reflexive leaders bring to awareness that the leader, his team and the organisation are part of broader systems shaping how they think, what they can do, and making unintended consequences most likely.
We understand design as a multiplicity, that is, one thing and many things at once. Design is a philosophy, a mindset, a theory, a methodology, methods and a skillset that an individual or a group can mobilize to create something that is needed, but does not yet exist. This ‘something’ can either be a new concept and/or material object with a transformational potential. The intent: changing the status quo into a preferred one from a specific normative perspective.