
Budapest at twilight
14 August 2019

IMDC 2020 in Budapest, Hungary, March 3-5

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IMDC 2020 | March 3-4

Innovation Methodologies for Defence Challenges

Budapest, Hungary.

Download Program



The Hungarian Defence Forces with the National University of Public Service are proud to present “Innovation Methodologies for Defence Challenges”. The conference is to be held at The National University of Public Service in Budapest from March 3 to 4, 2020. The Conference will bring together specialists from several NATO countries and partner organizations, including some of the most distinguished defence practitioners, innovation specialists and scholars in the field (see working programme above).

This conference aims primarily at facilitating a platform for exchanges of experiences in using innovation methodologies in practice and at creating a network of professionals who are interested in innovation, doctrine development, and defence planning. The secondary aim is to leverage this network to envision ambitious practical deliverables for defence practitioners as well as research deliverables. In what follows, prospective participants or organizations will find all information required. We encourage you to invite interested parties from your various networks and organizations. Further information will be circulated as we get closer to the conference.

Participating experts, among others, will include Ofra Graicer (IDF National Defence College), Ben Zweibelson (JSOU – US SOCOM), Philippe Beaulieu-B. (Canadian Forces College), Philippe Dufort (Saint-Paul University), and Karena Kyne (Lancaster University).


IMDC is an opportunity for networking and creating collective knowledge through databases, discussions, and papers. The knowledge exchange will be workshops, panel discussions, and Ted Talk style conversations that are both intergenerational, interdisciplinary and diverse. The general idea is to invite participants who will disrupt their own echo-chamber: who can innovatively organize in ways that promote an environment which focuses on sharing knowledge across disciplines, with a deliberate balance of academic researchers, military practitioners and corporate thinkers.

Active Participation

Each participant will have the chance to take part actively in the conference by attending interactive workshops to tackle complex organizational challenges. Participants will be able to take part in keynote series, panel discussions, lecture series and innovation methods & skills workshops.


TEDx event

TEDxBudapestSalon 2020 – Design Your Future

5 March 2020, 4 PM – 8:30 PM
Budapest Music Center (1093 Budapest, Mátyás street 8)


Redesign Yourself

  • Ákos Csertán  – Design strategist
  • Grant Martin – Lieutenant-colonel
  • Dr. Ofra Gracier – Co-Instructor, IDF Generals’ Course
  • Péter Langmár – Startup entrepreneur

Redesign Your Business

  • Mátyás Dobó
  • Brian Rivera – Co-creator of The Flow System™
  • Dr. Philippe Dufort
  • Professor Dave Snowden talks with Col. Imre Porkoláb



The conference will be held at the National University of Public Service divided between the Educational Centre (4) and the Orczy Residence Hall (5).

Keynotes and full-audience presentation will be at the Educational Centre, workshops and panel discussions at the Orczy Residence Hall.

Location of the conference: 1083 Budapest, Üllői út 82.

For a map of the campus, refer to the image below:

NKE_Ludovika Egyetemi Campus információs térkép_angol

Collaboration and Partners

National University of Public Service

Hungarian Defence Forces

Hungarian Ministry of Defence

Hungarian Government Commissioner for national defence industry and defence development and coordination of armament modernization