On Mao, Marxism, Revolution, and the Return of the Islamic State (Again, Again)…[Recommended Innovation Articles (and Commentary) 19]
Original post can be found here: This week’s article is a fascinating read (and…
An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation: “Innovation begins not in the pragmatic and known, but the fantastic and weird” (Part 2 of 5)
Original post can be found here: Military forces call for innovation more now than…
An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation (Part 1 of 5)
Original post can be found here: Militaries perpetually call for innovation, creativity in warfare,…
On ChatBots, Machine Learning, the Future of War, and Dogs Versus Ants
Original post can be found here: I have two articles coming out in April-May…
Chaos Theory, Jung, and the Structure of Story
Original post can be found here: “We are our choices.” — Jean-Paul Sartre “It…
Tinkering with the Scaffolding
Original post can be found here: Disclaimer: This is a smorgasbord-style collection of some connections I’m…