China’s Space Program Through The Lens of Irregular Warfare Theory [Recommended Innovation Articles (and Commentary) #21]
Original post can be found here: his article is about China and how their…
Conclusions on Modern Military Failures in Innovation (Part 5 of 5)
Original post can be found here: If you missed out on the earlier sections…
Emegence & Complexity Science applied to Warfare [Recommended Innovation Articles (and Commentary) #20]
Original post can be found here: First, the recommended article for this series is…
Three Simple Ways to Make the Military Appreciation Process More Creative
Original post can be found here: ‘They came on in the same old…
Converging and Diverging Iteratively: An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation (Part 4 of 5)
Original post can be found here: This unintended shift from sensemaking and reflective practice…
An Inquiry into Why Militaries are Terrible at Innovation: “Beating a Dead Horse: How Institutions Perpetuate Concepts into Irrelevance” (Part 3 of 5)
Original post can be found here: Modern warfare, largely executed in the last three…